Solving the Edge Webdriver Conundrum: A Guide to Using “–guest” and “download.default_directory” Options
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Solving the Edge Webdriver Conundrum: A Guide to Using “–guest” and “download.default_directory” Options

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If you’re an automation enthusiast or a QA engineer, you’re no stranger to the world of webdrivers. Edge Webdriver, in particular, has become a popular choice for automating Microsoft Edge browsers. However, when it comes to using the “–guest” and “download.default_directory” options together, things can get a bit tricky. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this limitation and provide a clear set of instructions to help you overcome this hurdle.

The Problem: Incompatible Options

When you try to use both the “–guest” and “download.default_directory” options simultaneously, you might encounter an error message or unstable behavior. This is because these options are mutually exclusive, and Edge Webdriver simply can’t reconcile their conflicting requirements.

What do these options do?

To understand why these options are incompatible, let’s take a closer look at what each one does:

  • --guest: This option launches Edge in guest mode, which means that all browsing data, including cookies, history, and extensions, is discarded at the end of the session. This mode is useful for testing scenarios that require a clean slate.
  • download.default_directory: This option specifies the default directory where Edge saves downloaded files. By setting this option, you can control the download location and organize your files more efficiently.

Why can’t they coexist?

The reason behind the incompatibility lies in the way Edge Webdriver handles these options. When you use the “–guest” option, Edge Webdriver creates a temporary user profile, which is discarded at the end of the session. This temporary profile doesn’t allow for persistent settings, including the download directory.

On the other hand, the “download.default_directory” option relies on the persistence of the user profile to store the download location. Since the “–guest” option creates a temporary profile, the download directory setting is lost when the session ends.

Solutions: Workarounds and Alternatives

Don’t worry, all hope is not lost! We’ve got some clever workarounds and alternatives to help you achieve your automation goals:

1. Use a Temporary Directory

You can create a temporary directory for downloads and set it as the default directory using the download.default_directory option. This way, you can still control the download location without conflicting with the “–guest” option.

from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.EdgeOptions()

driver = webdriver.Edge(options=options)

2. Implement a Custom Download Handler

Another approach is to create a custom download handler that can intercept and redirect downloads to a specific directory. This way, you can bypass the limitations of the download.default_directory option.

from selenium import webdriver

class CustomDownloadHandler:
    def __init__(self, download_directory):
        self.download_directory = download_directory

    def before_download(self, request):

options = webdriver.EdgeOptions()

driver = webdriver.Edge(options=options)
download_handler = CustomDownloadHandler("C:/temp/downloads")
driver.execute_script("window Downloads.onBeforeDownload = function(request) {{ return {} }}")
driver.execute_script("window Downloads.onDownload = function(request) {{ {} }}")
driver.execute_script("window Downloads.onDownloadComplete = function(request) {{ {} }}")
driver.execute_script("window Downloads.onDownloadCancelled = function(request) {{ {} }}")

3. Use an Alternative WebDriver

If you’re not tied to Edge Webdriver, you can explore alternative webdrivers that don’t have these limitations. For example, ChromeDriver or FirefoxDriver might be suitable alternatives, depending on your testing requirements.


In conclusion, the incompatibility of the “–guest” and “download.default_directory” options in Edge Webdriver is a limitation that can be overcome with some creativity and flexibility. By using temporary directories, implementing custom download handlers, or exploring alternative webdrivers, you can still achieve your automation goals.

Takeaway Table

Solution Description Advantages Disadvantages
Temporary Directory Set a temporary directory for downloads Easy to implement, flexible Requires cleanup, might not be suitable for large-scale testing
Custom Download Handler Intercept and redirect downloads to a specific directory Provides fine-grained control, flexible Requires programming effort, might be complex to implement
Alternative WebDriver Use a different webdriver that doesn’t have these limitations Wide range of options, might be more suitable for certain testing scenarios Requires switching to a different webdriver, might require adjustments to existing tests

By understanding the limitations and trade-offs of each solution, you can make an informed decision that best suits your automation needs. Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most pressing Edge WebDriver conundrums!

Why can’t I use both “–guest” and “download.default_directory” options simultaneously?

It’s because the “–guest” mode in Edge WebDriver doesn’t support modifying profile settings like download.default_directory. When you run in guest mode, Edge WebDriver launches with a fresh, temporary profile, which means you can’t make changes to the profile settings.

I need to set a specific download directory for my test. What can I do?

You can set the download directory by using the ChromeOptions class and passing the download.default_directory option in the capabilities. Just make sure you’re not running in guest mode, and you’ll be all set!

Can I use the “–guest” mode for other purposes?

Yes, the “–guest” mode is useful when you want to run tests with a fresh profile, without any existing user data or settings. This can help you ensure that your tests are isolated from any previous test runs or user interactions.

What if I need to test file downloads with a specific download directory?

In that case, you can create a separate test profile and set the download directory for that profile. This way, you can test file downloads with the specific directory you need, without affecting other test runs.

Where can I find more information about Edge WebDriver options?

You can check out the official Microsoft Edge WebDriver documentation, which provides detailed information on the available options and capabilities. Happy testing!

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