Solving the “napi_call_threadsafe” Error when Accessing HID Devices on Autostart
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Solving the “napi_call_threadsafe” Error when Accessing HID Devices on Autostart

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re struggling with the infamous “napi_call_threadsafe” error when trying to access a HID (Human Interface Device) on autostart. Well, worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the root causes of this error and provide you with step-by-step instructions to overcome it. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!

What is the “napi_call_threadsafe” Error?

The “napi_call_threadsafe” error typically occurs when your Node.js application tries to access a HID device on autostart, but fails to do so due to threading issues. This error is often accompanied by a cryptic message, leaving you scratching your head. Don’t worry; we’ll break it down for you.

The error arises from the way Node.js handles threading. When your application starts, Node.js creates a main thread to execute the JavaScript code. However, when you try to access a HID device, the underlying library (e.g., node-hid) might create a separate thread to communicate with the device. This can lead to conflicts between the main thread and the newly created thread, resulting in the “napi_call_threadsafe” error.


  • Node.js (version 14 or later)
  • npm (the package manager for Node.js)
  • A HID device connected to your system (e.g., a USB device)
  • The node-hid library installed via npm (npm install node-hid)

Solution 1: Using the async-init Method

The first solution involves using the async-init method to initialize the HID device asynchronously. This approach allows the main thread to yield control, allowing the HID device to be initialized without conflicting with the main thread.

const hid = require('node-hid');

// Create a new HID device object
const device = new hid.HID(path);

// Initialize the device asynchronously using async-init
device.asyncInit().then(() => {
  console.log('HID device initialized!');
  // You can now access the HID device
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error('Error initializing HID device:', error);

In this example, we create a new HID object and use the asyncInit() method to initialize the device asynchronously. Once the device is initialized, we can access it without encountering the “napi_call_threadsafe” error.

Solution 2: Using a Worker Thread

The second solution involves using a worker thread to access the HID device. This approach allows the HID device to be accessed from a separate thread, avoiding conflicts with the main thread.

const { Worker } = require('worker_threads');
const hid = require('node-hid');

// Create a new worker thread
const worker = new Worker('./worker.js', { workerData: { path: '/path/to/hid/device' } });

// Listen for messages from the worker thread
worker.on('message', (data) => {
  console.log(`Received message from worker: ${data}`);

// Listen for errors from the worker thread
worker.on('error', (error) => {
  console.error(`Error in worker thread: ${error}`);

In this example, we create a new worker thread using the worker_threads module. We pass the path to the HID device as worker data, and in the worker thread (worker.js), we access the HID device using the node-hid library.

// worker.js
const { workerData } = require('worker_threads');
const hid = require('node-hid');

// Create a new HID device object
const device = new hid.HID(workerData.path);

// Initialize the device

// Send a message back to the main thread
process.send('HID device initialized!');

In this example, the worker thread initializes the HID device and sends a message back to the main thread, indicating that the device is ready to be accessed.

Solution 3: Using a Library that Supports Multithreading

The third solution involves using a library that supports multithreading, such as hid-api. This library provides a thread-safe way to access HID devices, eliminating the need for custom threading solutions.

const { HID } = require('hid-api');

// Create a new HID device object
const device = new HID(path);

// Initialize the device;

// Access the HID device

In this example, we use the hid-api library to access the HID device. Since this library supports multithreading, we can access the device without worrying about the “napi_call_threadsafe” error.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered three solutions to overcome the “napi_call_threadsafe” error when accessing HID devices on autostart. Whether you choose to use the async-init method, a worker thread, or a library that supports multithreading, you should now be able to access your HID device without any issues.

Remember to troubleshoot your code, and if you’re still encountering issues, feel free to reach out to the community or the library maintainers for support. Happy coding!

Solution Description
async-init Initialize the HID device asynchronously using the asyncInit() method.
Worker Thread Access the HID device from a separate thread using the worker_threads module.
Library with Multithreading Support Use a library like hid-api that provides thread-safe access to HID devices.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still encountering issues, try the following:

  1. Check your Node.js version and ensure it’s compatible with the node-hid library.
  2. Verify that the HID device is properly connected and configured.
  3. Review your code for any syntax errors or logical mistakes.
  4. Consult the official documentation for the library you’re using (node-hid, hid-api, etc.).

By following these solutions and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to overcome the “napi_call_threadsafe” error and successfully access your HID device on autostart.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the “napi_call_threadsafe error” when trying to access an HID device on autostart? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue:

What is the “napi_call_threadsafe” error, and why does it occur?

The “napi_call_threadsafe” error occurs when a Node.js API function is called from a thread other than the main thread, which is not thread-safe. This error is commonly seen when accessing an HID device on autostart, as the device may be accessed from a thread other than the main thread, causing the error.

How do I check if the HID device is properly installed and configured?

To check if the HID device is properly installed and configured, you can use the hid-test tool or the node-hid library to test the device connection. Make sure that the device is properly plugged in, and the necessary drivers are installed. You can also check the system logs for any error messages related to the device.

What are the possible solutions to the “napi_call_threadsafe” error?

Some possible solutions to the “napi_call_threadsafe” error include using the async/await syntax to ensure that the HID device is accessed from the main thread, using a thread-safe wrapper library like node-hid-safe, or using a worker thread to handle the HID device communication.

How can I ensure that my Node.js application is thread-safe when accessing the HID device?

To ensure that your Node.js application is thread-safe when accessing the HID device, use the async/await syntax to ensure that the HID device is accessed from the main thread. You can also use a thread-safe wrapper library like node-hid-safe or use a worker thread to handle the HID device communication.

What are some best practices to avoid the “napi_call_threadsafe” error in the future?

Some best practices to avoid the “napi_call_threadsafe” error in the future include using thread-safe libraries and modules, avoiding direct access to the HID device from multiple threads, and using async/await syntax to ensure that the HID device is accessed from the main thread.

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